About Our Founder
The Man Behind the CIS Story
Every mission or organization is the shadow of the founder. It reflects his times, his life, his strengths, and his weaknesses. Up until now, it has been almost impossible to write the history of Christian Information Service Incorporated without writing the biography of William Thomas Bray.
Bill Bray received the vision for CIS in 1965 as a young missionary serving on an Operation Mobilization literature distribution team in India.
In 1967, he formally began CIS in Thailand, and the Sixfold Servant Ministry of CIS has remained largely unchanged since.
Until recently, the various North American ministries of the mission have usually started and ended with Bill's personal involvement.
Meanwhile, the most exciting work of CIS goes on overseas, in lands where we support indigenous leaders who lead their own outreaches. CIS seeks to be a "Channel of Blessings" to Christ's servants around the world, often representing such leaders and organizations as their designated representatives in the USA.
Through the years, Bill has personally travelled on assignment to 57 countries around the world, usually at the invitation of local church and mission leaders.
Today, Bill and Ivy are dedicating their remaining years to transferring the vision for The Sixfold Servant Ministry to others…and always entrusting grass roots ministry to local, indigenous media leaders.
If you feel God is calling you to be part of this frontlines mission to missions, Bill would like to hear from you today. Your gifts of support are always welcome and urgently needed.
Please contact us in writing at: CIS Inc, PO Box 6511, Charlottesville, VA 22906-6511.