Over Half a Century of Growth Services
In 2024, Christian Information Service officially celebrates over 59 years of service in the United States and around the world, but the organization actually has roots dating back even earlier than that to our 1964 founding in Chicago.
CIS began overseas ministries on the foreign mission field in 1966 when Bill Bray was a missionary in Thailand.
For 15 years from 1972 to 1987, CIS concentrated on evangelism, revival, and renewal in the Unites States – as well as missions to the inner-city poor and needy.
Among the more well-known missions which Bill Bray has served through CIS in the United States are, Campus Crusade for Christ, CBN/700 Club, Christian Aid, Cursillo/Ultreya, DaySpring International, Gospel for Asia, Here's Life America, Here's Life Inner City, Light Bearers International, Nora Lam Ministries, Overseas Students Mission, Peace for the Persecuted, The Salvation Army, World Children's Fund and World Vision.
The Move to Dallas
Then, in 1988 when Bill and Ivy Bray moved to Dallas, CIS began to expand overseas again to the unreached peoples of the world.
For the first 55 years, CIS has looked relentlessly outward to helping others abroad, and we thank God for the victories in global service. However, in order to do more and meet the demands of the next decade, CIS now recognizes the need for recruiting more home staff and expanding facilities at home.
CIS believes in full financial accountability and is governed by a board of dedicated clergy and lay leaders. It is supported through a combination of gifts from churches and individuals plus contributions from the missions and ministries served. An annual report is available upon request.