About Us
Introducing CIS Always on The Growing Edge for God
"…But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth" Acts 1:8, NKJV).
Because it's servant ministries are designed to work humbly behind the scenes of other missions, Christian Information Service is truly "God's Secret Service." Most people have never heard of us, and that's generally the way founder and president Bill Bray would like to keep it!
This low profile is logical, because by definition, CIS exists to focus the media spotlight on what Christ is doing through others.
That's why CIS is always seeking to locate emerging leaders whom God is raising up for this day – and then help them do their job better.
Cutting Edge Catalyst…
Over the years, God has remarkably used CIS to help open new doors, pioneering many missions and movements that are now considered routine. This kind of ministry often means taking steps of faith far beyond human ability. It also means risking failure, misunderstanding, poverty, suffering, and ridicule for the sake of Christ.
But as a result of this faithful obedience in the face of insurmountable odds, God has used CIS to help begin outreaches like indigenous missions, interactive TV/phone counseling, Gospel advertising, and publishing for all kinds of special audiences. Many of these missions are reaching people groups and nations who would otherwise go without the salvation story!
An Agency For God…
In these ways, CIS seeks to be an instrument in the hand of God.
Our mission is to help missions, especially the needy ones who don't always have professional media services available to tell the Gospel story. We have always tried to work so that Christian leaders will think of us "a mission to missions."
For over 50 years, CIS has quietly sought to help others fulfill the Great Commission of Christ through better communications.
We We Help…
CIS has always been a child of the times, growing and learning as current events change. Staff and associates have used the latest in media technology and current affairs to help Christian missions carry on nearly every form of outreach.
No missionary outreach of the living church is beyond the scope of our concern or our mandate. Any ministry will be assisted as long as it is accountable, doctrinally sound, and led by godly leaders who demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit.
What We Do…
But to do all this, Bill Bray realized early that CIS would have to be much more than an advertising or communications agency.
It also had to be a missionary order, a news and information service, a ministry to local churches, an educational institution, and a fellowship network of professional Christian communicators.
To find out which of these many ministries might interest you or meet your needs, please review our Sixfold ministies.