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Communicating the gospel is why we exist.  This is done through skilled professionals in such disciplines as Christian advertising, book publishing, broadcasting, database management, direct response media, graphics, magazines, marketing, newsletters, newspapers, news services, photojournalism, and videography. 

Bill and Ivy are headed to Dallas this month, representing CIS News at the National Religious Broadcasters Convention -- the 80th Anniversary of this vital media fellowship. This is the biggest meeting of the year for media missionaries and communicators. Pray that they will be led to form new partnerships and find new ministries to serve at this week-long event.
First, K.P. lived a life of daring, total obedience to the commands of Christ. Second, he did so in faith knowing that God is on his side. Third, he trust the Lord to complete what had been started. Fourth, he never forgot that success comes from a life of prayer and obedience to the Holy Spirit. And Firth, he lived a life of Thanksgiving and praise to the very end.
The founder of International Justice Mission challenges Christian students to take the risk of putting themselves between innocent victims and their dangerous, sometimes deadly, persecutors.
Cabrini is a deeply spiritual, worshipful experience that challenges viewers to live a life of daring service to Christ with courage and unwavering devotion.
Bill Bray reviews the new documentary film "Hollywood Teach Us to Pray" produced by Terry Lindvall
Bill and Ivy Bray, Christian Information Service missionary staff, have returned from a successful National Religious Broadcasters Convention February 19 through 24 in Nashville, Tennessee.
Former President Donald Trump addressed the NRB this year as part of the NRB Presidential Forum on February 22.

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